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Crankbrothers Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
580 Broadway St, Suite 101
Laguna Beach, CA
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Crankbrothers Facts

From the word go, Carl and Frank (CrankBrothers) had always been passionate and curious about cycling and the possibility of designing cycling products that would greatly improve human transport and the riding experience. 

CrankBrother was launched in 1997. The brothers took advantage of their previous experience working as diving equipment manufacturers, and their love for MTBs to launch their first product: the highly innovative “Speed Lever.” This compact tire lever made the process of installing/removing tires from rims much easier.

The company came to the limelight in 2001 when CrankBrothers introduced the Eggbeater pedal, an exceptionally lightweight, moderate-sized pedal with its excellent mud-shedding efficiency and a 4-sided entry. Today the Eggbeater pedal design is the standard template for successive pedal models in all MTB categories.


CrankBrothers offers an ever-increasing focus on innovation, efficiency, and aesthetics with a variety of pedals and mountain bike components as well as tools, pumps, accessories, and CrankBrothers merchandise used by many top athletes around the World.

The company is renowned by professional and amateur riders and commuters for its beautiful and long-lasting products as well as their representation at various levels such as in Cross-country, MTB, Cyclo-cross, and other top levels or categories. 


Over the years, CrankBrothers have risen to become one of the most globally recognized brands. Their design philosophy and focus on the look of their product line have remained the same: to begin from scratch, and come up with a product that makes each ride better than the last!

The combination of design, durability, and performance makes CrankBrothers components an excellent choice for any serious rider who desires to improve his/her riding and control. 


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