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Cube Facts

CUBE is a German bicycle manufacturer producing many types of bikes, particularly mountain bikes. The company was founded 1993 by Marcus Pürner, who started production from his father's furniture factory in Waldershof, Germany.

Since then, the company has expanded its production scope. The passion for mountain biking, coupled with the increasing popularity of the sport throughout Europe propelled CUBE to become a world renowned bike and e-bike brand.

Today, CUBE sells bikes and e-bikes in over 60 countries worldwide, becoming a market leader in several European countries in the middle and premium mountain bike and road bike models. 



The current product range consists of various types of mountain bikes, road bikes, cross bikes, triathlon bikes, e-bikes as well as trekking bikes. Ergy fitted women´s bikes, bikes for kids, wear and accessories complete the product line-up.

The brand currently boasts of a product portfolio of more than 300 different mountain, urban, road, cross, gravel, and touring bikes, including a full-line of e-Bikes. Made using the highest levels of German innovation and technology at their headquarters in Waldershof.

The dedicated team of engineers continuously seeks to improve materials, construction/design and processes. CUBE’s in-house laboratory tests every model rigorously, ensuring that they meet requirements that are well above the regular standards.

The current product range consists of various types of mountain bikes, road bikes, cross bikes, triathlon bikes, e-bikes as well as trekking bikes, functionally designed women´s bikes, kids bikes, wear and accessories complete the product line-up.



No matter what your cycling needs are, whether you're a mountain biker or a road cyclist, you'll definitely find it at CUBE. From bicycle apparel to jerseys, cycling shorts to gloves or cycling socks, road cycling shoes, mountain biking shoes, helmets, but also equipment and accessories such as saddles, mountain bike and road bike handlebars, handlebar tape, pedals.

The road ahead isn’t always smooth, so the brand offers the perfect mix of power, geometry and style.

At CUBE, there is only one goal; to make your riding experience better.


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