
Monty Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Monty Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Monty Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
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Monty Facts

Monty bicycle was founded in 1983 by entrepreneur and 9-time Spanish racing champion Pere Pi.

Monty Bikes have been around for more than 35 years, creating new memories for riders from sunday family rides with bicycles, to your commute to work every morning. 

The brand combines knowledge acquired from years of research and testing. 



Today, they are makers of a wide range of cycling products, like Brakes, Forks, Handlebars, Stems, Wheels, Seatposts and Saddles, as well as transmission components such as freewheels and cranks. 

Monty bicycles makes bikes for all audiences and categories, such as:

1. BIKETRIALS - 20'' Trials, 24'' Trials, 26'' Trials,  and Unicycles.

2. FOLDING BICYCLES - Monty highlights a whole new way to move around the city, without complications, without smoke fumes, and with lots of energy. 

3. ELECTRIC BIKES - Monty bicycles pioneered the introduction of the first electric bikes on the national market. 

4. CHILDREN'S BICYCLES - With the purest of Monty quality, they offer a range of children's bikes that guarantee safety and fun and are perfectly adapted to the kids.



Monty Bikes have been around for more than 35 years, creating new memories for all your Sunday family rides with bicycles, or your commute to work every morning with an e-bike.


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