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Cinelli Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
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Cinelli Facts

Cinelli was founded in 1947 by Cino Cinelli, a former professional runner, winner of the 1943 Milan-Sanremo.

Although he was not an engineer, Cino was a stubborn perfectionist and in just 20 years, his company became a leader in the production of handlebars and racing bindings.

Cino invented the first saddle with the plastic hull, the Unicanitor, and built the legendary Supercorsa frame, a very popular object of the period which is still produced today. In 1979 the business was bought by Antonio Colombo the former president of the Columbus bicycle tubing manufacturer. 



In keeping to their age long values of competition, design and lifestyle, Colombo made Cinelli products contemporary and daring, developing innovative products such as the Rampichino, the first European Mountain bike, the Alter, Gram, Passatore, and many others.



Cinelli believes in the importance of their vision, as well as how important it is to help riders improve the quality of their lives.

In doing this, even though the bicycle has already been invented, there is still room for purpose as history teaches that there is nothing impossible, if only you look beyond the present.

Cinelli not only  applies this design principles to for its client, and products but also to our company.

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