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Jitsie Facts

Jitsie was founded in the early 2000's and is one of the leading brands in trials bikes, parts and accessories.

Built on passion and focus for all things trials, Jitsie has built their brand over the last two decades with that vision in mind

The brand is the brainchild from Jan Cardinaels who created the company as part of his college graduation year project in 2002. The task was to come up with a new product, create a brand name for the product, and to create a company that would handle the distribution of that product.

The outcome of the project was the first ever Jitsie product: a pair of carbon fork protectors for a Showa front fork.



With the increasing demand for racing bikes, jitsie went into the production of trial bikes (a specially designed bike used in trial biking) with better control, powerful brakes, wider handlebars, lightweight parts, low tire pressure with a thicker rear tire. 

Although specialized making in motorcycle trials, jitsie made the step towards bicycle trials in 2016 with the launch of the Jitsie Varial bike. 

Jitsie offer high quality performance in terms of design and innovation to create products that allow beginners and professional riders alike to have unrestricted fun on their bike.

Today, the brand continues to influence a lot of other action sports, such as extreme, enduro, cyclocross, BMX and others, with the performance of their bikes. 



 Jitsie is the leading brand in trials for apparel, parts and accessories. We are passionate about trials and our focus on all things trials is a clear choice we made on day one of the creation of the brand. We have and always will stay true to that vision. 

Right from the start of the Jitsie brand, it has been about having a fresh and unrestricted approach to developing products for trials. We've always pushed the boundaries in terms of design and innovation to create products that allow riders at any level to have more fun on their bike.

reflects Jitsie's 100% focus on trials. The unity of quality manufacturing and functional minimalistic design result in a highly-performing and durable bicycle that makes it the perfect fit for any trials rider.

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