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WAG Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
WAG Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Via Macallè, 156
Seregno, MB
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WAG Facts


We believe that the sustainable vehicle of the future will be the bicycle, used both as a means of recreation and as a commuting.

More and more shopkeepers and workshops are part of this vision, because for every new bicycle on the road, there will always be those who take care of it!

To make our vision real we must believe in it, be concrete and support with practicality and utility you, who are the protagonists of this change.

Here is why WAG is:
- Concrete. We support your work both within the shop and workshop and through your events, providing you with products and services designed ad hoc.
- Useful. You have an excellent value for money that allows you to better manage your work.
- Practical. Everything you need in one catalogue.

Why we talk about QUALITY
We are sure of the quality of WAG products because we were the first to want to be fully satisfied with our offer. To achieve this, we subjected them to hard tests.

Montanus is our technical partner (www.montanuswild.com), has tested for us a selection of products that you can find in the catalog.

This is what "Tested by Montanus" means; the whole product category tested by Montanus has been used, put under stress, and has passed all the tests in order to be sure to provide you with a product of excellent quality.

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