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Fasthouse Facts

Fasthouse is a lifestyle brand with a passion for all things motorcycle. The Californian brand is based in Santa Clarita, USA. The brand specializes in the manufacturing of off-road motorcycle and mountain bike riding gear and casual wear with a pure design combining the ‘good old days’ and modern technologies with timeless styling. 

The brand colours of black, white, blue, red, and yellow creates room for a multitude of combinations by mixing the models of jerseys, pants and gloves to have a one-of-a-kind outfit. The brand is targeted at riders with passion for the trophies and awards as well as those who love style and ride motorcycles or mountain bikes for fun

The company cooperates and makes friends with many legends in the industry, notable of mention is Mike Brown, a legend and pioneer in the mini biking world, Doug Henry, award winning motocross and supercross legend, and Ronnie Rondell who is rightly considered to be the Godfather of Motocross and a talented stuntman whose high falls and fiery moves are caught up in thousands of TV shows and movies.



Fasthouse exemplifies the fusion of meticulous design, rich manufacturing experience and deep knowledge of specific materials. For instance, the top-notch jerseys of the company are sewn from wicking fabrics that are innovatively dyed for a rich, long-lasting color and sport a first-rate silk-screened graphics. 

The brand also manufactures lightweight, breathable, and stretchable clothing that are strong enough for weekend motorcycle trips with friends yet high performance enough to help you win at supercross. And these are only a few of remarkable products Fasthouse produces. 



Over the years, Fasthouse has kept to its values of Speed, Style, and Good Times! by continually creating all-season accessories for anyone who enjoys taking out a motor bike. Style and functionality are equally essential to every piece created by the brand. Their gloves are designed for safety and flexibility without decreasing the tough look that is motocross style. Jerseys and jackets are designed to be spacious and comfortable in any weather, and racing pants are aerodynamic and secure.

The brand creates a one-of-a-kind apparel and racing wear to help you look trendy and stay protected both on and off the track. The company is also a promoter and organizer of several cycling related events and parties. Its diverse inventory of products represents an active and thrilling lifestyle and encompasses motorcycle jerseys, pants, helmets, gloves, and youth gear as well as casual clothing like hats, beanies, tees, and outerwear. Tested and proven for years in the field and backed by quality and value. 


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