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Dainese Facts

Dainese was founded in Molvena (Vicenza), Italy in 1969. At 20 years of age, Lino Dainese and some friends went to London on a Vespa. It was then that he saw "ton up bikes" whose riders wore the first sets of leathers. Back in Italy, he decided to dedicate himself to designing and manufacturing protection for motorbike riders.

In 1971, the ideas take shape, and the first drafts of the company logo were designed. Dainese introduced a pair of motocross trousers made using a new cutting technique for cowhide-wear with elastic inserts and improved comfort. 

Technical sponsorship took off for the first time that same year, resulting in Dieter Braun becoming the first Dainese rider in the World Championship Series.



Dainese boasts of a history of achievements in innovation, including the world’s first ultrarapid-deployment airbag suit and jacket systems for motorcycle racing and road use that don’t require any vehicle-mounted sensors, the first performance suit for sailing yacht racing that combines flotation, protection and communication functions in a single solution, and a gravity load simulation suit for the International Space Station

The collaboration with Barry Sheene led to the creation of the first back protector designed by Marc Sadler. The company was also the first to introduce a brand new concept for professional racing suits: the Aerodynamic Hump as well as the concept of Composite Protection: a sort of protection characterized by a soft base and a rigid shell that allows it to absorb and dispel the force of an impact



Like all sports enthusiasts, Dainese is dedicated to living its passion to push the boundaries of human achievement in dynamic sports and beyond.

Inspired by humans, the company strives to develop solutions that help the bold perform at their peak in comfort and safety, the drive to be impulsive, and not give up where others claim the impossible, and the courage to create protective clothing that is both lighter and stronger.

Dainese, is focused on continual research, development and testing to improve safety, performance and comfort in every arena. From motocross to alpine skiing, mountain biking, competitive sailing and outer space, where ever athletes continually push the human body and mind to surpass their prior achievements, Dainese would be found. 

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