
Alexander Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Alexander Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Alexander Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Via del Lavoro, 7
Gatteo, FC
Emilia Romagna
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Alexander Facts

The Alexander brand was founded in 1977 as an artisan tailor for specific cycling clothing. The passion for this sport was the everyday life for our family and we were lucky to have the chance to turn it into work.

This is what drives us to innovate day after day and from generation to generation.

In more than 40 years of history we have faced many evolutions in the field of cycling clothing, the experience of having passed from historic wool shirts to ultra-technical modern jerseys passing from handmade embroidery, to screen printing, to sublimation printing, from leather bottoms to high performance foam etc etc.

All this experience allows us today to create the perfect garments for the needs of the most scrupulous cyclist.

Our strength is our history, our made in Italy, the ability to carry on tradition and craftsmanship.

Our garments are made entirely by the expert hands of our artisans, which make the products unique, professionalism and experience is what distinguishes us and is what we put at the service of our customers. Starting from the youth teams in which we have always believed and followed because we believe in the future of this sport, teams, amateur teams or simply a group of friends who want to make their own uniform.


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