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Località Merlaro, 2
Vestone, BS
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Partners : 1

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Valsir Facts

Valsir was founded in 1987, on the basis of a precise industrial strategy adopted by Silmar Group - a leading holding company in the hydrothermal health sector with more than 1.2 billion euros in turnover and over 3,500 employees - which has its plants located in Italy, in Valsabbia north of Brescia, and abroad in Portugal, Poland, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, France, Australia and South Africa.

Valsir is today a solid and expanding reality, within a Group that, through the synergies activated within it and the specific skills provided by each individual component, expresses its true points of cohesion and strength.


The head and heart of Valsir are in Vestone, in Valsabbia, on the route that leads from Lake Garda to the Brenta Dolomites.

Here the strategies of a company now projected on the global market are defined, also through the realization of commercial agreements and joint-ventures in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Economic growth, technological development, the pursuit of quality, continuous research, design activity, presence on European markets and the rest of the world are the elements that have guided and still guide the policies of Valsir.

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