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38 Hans Crescent
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INEOS is a global chemical company whose products touch every aspect of modern-day life.
The Company comprises 36 businesses with 194 sites in 29 countries throughout the world.

INEOS also encompasses consumer brands and sports interests, such as cycling, Formula 1, sailing, and more.

In cycling, INEOS-Grenadiers is one of the world’s most successful teams.

The INEOS-Grenadiers Team leads the way in the world of professional cycling. The team has a thirst for a challenge and a pioneering spirit that allows them to keep pushing forward themselves and the sport.

INEOS also produces a range of products specifically built for cycling. More specifically, INEOS builds the chemicals and compounds that go into getting the INEOS Grenadiers on the road: 

  • the carbon fiber used in bikes' frames and forks;
  • the compounds used to build the tyres;
  • the polystyrene for aerodynamic helmets;
  • the chemicals used in fast-drying lycra.

Each and every INEOS product helps the team find its speed on the road.

Moreover, INEOS is also the maker of the products that society needs. The INEOS Grenadiers Team as well uses INEOS Hygienics sanitizers and touchless dispensers to help keep the team safe while training, traveling, and competing. 

INEOS also partners with other Brands out of the bicycle industry, in order to deliver excellence and peak performances to the INEOS Grenadiers cycling Team:

  • Mercedes-Benz: leveraging the Mercedes’ F1 Team’s world-leading experts and technological capabilities across all aspects of performance, Mercedes-Benz Applied Science is working with INEOS Britannia and INEOS Grenadiers on multiple projects to support their performance ambitions.
  • Granadiers: title partner to the INEOS Grenadiers Cycling Team. The uncompromising 4x4 supports the team when racing. Helping to get the job done, the hard-working 4x4 has been on hand at the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta de España backing up the team on every stage, every climb, and every time-trial.

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