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Liv Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Liv Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Via Vicinale di Parabiago, 22
Nerviano, MI
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Liv Facts

LIV is inarguably the first bicycle manufacturing brand completely dedicated to female cyclists. The brand was founded in 2008 by Bonnie Tu, of Giant Bicycles, when she couldn't find the right gear and bikes for herself. She saw an opportunity to make cycling more inclusive, the rest as they say is history.

The brand designs and builds innovative bikes and cycling products like gears that fit and perform at the highest level, for female cyclists of all styles, abilities, and fitness levels, around the world.


LIV bikes cover a wide range of products from affordable to premium, as well as catering for female riders across all disciplines. From road, triathlon, cyclocross, gravel, adventure, and city categories.

The female-centric brand is also popular for its presence across elite-level racing, sponsoring triathletes and road cyclists, as well as XC and enduro mountain bikers. In turn, a host of world-class athletes are involved in the research and development of their products, ensuring the delivery of perfectly designed products for high-level performance.


LIV encompasses an inclusive and devoted cycling community, both online and on the ground, where women feel not just welcome but important. By placing female cyclists, at the heart of everything it does, the brand strives to make cycling more inclusive by designing and building bikes and gear with specifically tailored geometry and designs for women.


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