Leonardi Racing

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Leonardi Racing Facts

The origins of Leonardi Racing date back to 1984, in Sansepolcro, Tuscany, Italy. When Michele Leonardi, driven by his passion for cycling, opened his first workshop, he began his research to create tools and solutions for cycling enthusiasts.

Over time, experience and Italian craftmanship skills, made the small laboratory to become a well structured company with the potential and the ability to create after-market products for innovative bicycles of exceptional quality. Maintaining our essence of creating components and tools that improve the performance of cyclists and the life span of their bikes. From here the birth of the brand Leonardi Racing - Igegno Italiano.

Features of the Leonardi Racing product


Our mission is to make products that change the way people ride their bikes by improving their functionality, performance and durability. We also work to create from scratch components and tools with real value for cyclists and mechanics.


We know that for Leonardi Racing customers the overall weight of the bike is a determining factor. We therefore continuously work to develop high-end products with the perfect combination of functionality and lightness. We are proud that components such as Drake, Luke, Sake handlebars, Naghi and Dark Lite frames and General Lee cassettes meet this demands and help improve riders' performance.


Our Italian nature pushes us to choose the best quality materials for our components, frames and tools. As a result, we offer a product that is not only lightweight and resistant, but also durable.


We believe that every cyclist is unique and that his bike must reflect this uniqueness. Leonardi Racing, in addition to offering a high-end product, gives every biker the opportunity to have fun by customizing the components of his bicycle. Leonardi Racing customers can play with color combinations while improving the performance, weight or functionality of their bike. Which creates an experience that is the best part of buying one of our products.

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