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Husqvarna Facts

Founded in Huskvarna, Sweden, Husqvarna Bicycles is one of the oldest bicycle brands worldwide. More than one century ago, the brand first began producing bicycles, and later expanded into motorcycle manufacturing. 

Husqvarna’s earliest motorcycles, as well as its traditional bikes, were known for being simple in design, lightweight. And well adapted to different riding terrain and styles, and were considerably popular. Steve McQueen is said to have famously rode a Triumph TR6 trophy in The Great Escape. 

With the rise of motocross as a sport, Husqvarna has focused on producing light weight racing bikes, eventually becoming a commanding force in off-road competition, and has continued to exploit that niche ever since. 


Husqvarna Bicycles is following a new path, particularly in terms of design, thanks to Maxime Thouvenin. Just after Austrian outfit; KTM had acquired Husqvarna, the company tasked Maxime, a graduate of industrial design at France’s Institut Supérieur de Design with reaching back into the past to pull Husqvarna’s street bike legacy into the future.

The new bikes are Thouvenin’s brain child/design, (He was even asked to design a full suite of accessories — a helmet, jacket, wallet, shoes, and other clothing — to go along with them. The bikes are quite unlike anything else on the market. They highlight Husqvarna’s heritage as an off-road fury, yet showcase futuristic distinction thanks to the collaboration between Thouvenin’s design team and Husqvarna’s engineers. 

Their product range covers the whole scope in terms of eMobility. From the City to Trails, every terrain can be conquered, riding the appropriate Husqvarna eBike.



Although change is ever constant in life, it is important to merge the old ways of doing things alongside the modern, because the future is a reflection of the past, the challenges face, and the solutions proffered. 


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