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G Form Facts

G-Form manufactures bike protection wear for men, women and children. The company was founded in 2010 to transform impact protection across a variety of action sports. G-form gear is well known for its sleek design and comfy fit, guaranteed to keep your body safe on the next ride.

The brand was founded by devoted athletes and ensures protection on trail, all mountain, enduro or in the bike park, they were one of the first companies to really push soft body armor as a viable alternative to the now outdated commando-style hard plastic protection. 

Today, although almost every protection brand also offers a similar style body armor, but that hasn’t hindered G-Form from the conquest of the impact protection industry as their pads can be seen on most bike shop shelves and at almost every major trailhead.

G-From goes ahead with a boast of how comfortable their pads are–so comfortable that “you’ll never again worry about compromising your movement and performing your best – in fact, you won’t even realize you’re wearing them." 



G-Form makes use of its patented Reactive Protection Technology, G-form RPT™ which offers protection such as knee pads, elbow pads or gloves. These products are lightweight, have a flat design, adapt to the body, providing superior impact protection with comfort, style and full freedom of motion. 

G-Form recently introduced its all-new E-Line Knee and Elbow Guards, further extending its leadership role in advanced, comfortable protective gear. The E-Line Guard is designed for the aggressive rider tackling technically challenging terrain. 

Are you challenging for a stage at an enduro, simply pedaling an E-bike or exploring new adventures on your moto, the demands in protection are the same. With a focus on unparalleled fit, next level protection, comfort, and breathability, E-line is specifically designed to meet these needs.



G-Form is committed to its vision of utilizing its proprietary SmartFlex™ technology to revolutionize sports protection. Whether at the skate park, on the trail, on the field or on the water, G-Form ensures the superior protection you need without hindering movement

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