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Formula Facts

Formula, the celebrated bicycle component manufacturer from Prato, Italy, has been a strong believer in progress since they first opened shop in 1987. Their roots go back even further and lie in the motorcycle industry. 

The idea behind the start of the brand was to transfer the knowledge from this sector to the newly budding Mountain Bikes industry. This move yielded impressive results right from the start.

In 1993, formula went on to produce the first hydraulic disc brake especially for MTBs, and numerous other innovations, like their suspension forks which played an important role in numerous downhill titles. 

Towards the end of the eighties, Mountain biking born opening the doors to a future that has never been trailed; offering Formula the opportunity to solidify its position as an undisputable leader in the Mountain Bike revolution. 

 With the introduction of the Standard, the first hydraulic disc brake in history was created, studied exclusively for mountain bike use. At that point, the cycling world changed for ever.



The Italian suspension brand, Formula, offers a complete range of mountain bike suspension forks, from the Thirty Three single-air XC fork, to the dual air Selva R enduro fork, and the recently launched Selva Coil fork. Also offering a range of brakes and wheelsets

All the company's products are designed, manufactured, and assembled in Italy, with the exception of a few third party suppliers for some parts like the lowers of the forks for example.



Formula was built around devotion and love for the racing sport an aspect of their character which remains till this day. In a few years’ work, the team of designers achieved the aim which they had set for themselves, to make Formula brakes the milestone for the world of mountain biking, both from the point of view of performance and of quality construction. This has revolutionized cycling forever. 

The goal of this group of men and women is simple and at the same time pioneering, bringing technology of the motor world into mountain biking. In other words, Formula was born with the intention of becoming leader in innovation. 


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