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Fantic Facts

Fantic began as a motorcycle company in 1968 and is based in Italy. They have a racing heritage with world champion trials riders. The brand's premium e-bike line utilizes sporty drive systems with well balanced and integrated battery solutions. They offer both urban and off-road products but have a much larger off-road sport selection.

Fantic Motor was created by engineers Mario Agrati and Henry Keppel-Hesselinkis in 1968 on the mission to produce the finest Enduro machines throughout the 70's. Fantic Motor recorded outstanding success and began exporting enduro motorcycles, mini-bikes and go-karts around the world.

 The company produced two revolutionary models; The Sensational Chopper Moped and the TI (Tourismo Internazionale), both of which became household names in no time, earning Fantic Motor the reputation of being one of the fastest mopeds on the market, going as fast as 70 mph. 



OFFROAD - Fantic Off-Road bikes are a mix of historic Italian factory know-how and German technology, guaranteeing the best possible components and a solution for every cycling need.

The motor comes from Brose, suppliers of electric motors to the biggest automobile makers in Europe. The batteries are an exclusive Fantic design solution, the forks are Rock Shox, Mavic wheels and the SRAM drive train leads the way in innovation. 

Designed for outdoor activities, these bikes let you tackle even the hardest terrain and reach places out of reach to most. It can transform adventure into pure emotion.

URBAN - Fantic Urban is the most versatile electric bike on the market, comparable to a “sport-bike”, but in the “city” landscape, it turns into a tireless crusher of kilometres, without the worry of running out of power. 

For a trendy look, there is the all new PASSO GIAU or the traditional styling and comfort of the Seven Days models, with elegant details, reminiscing past bicycle styling, embellished with structural elements that allow it to be aesthetically appealing, and also reinforced to surmount the many hazards of traffic and road.

These bikes are ideal for any situation, from medium-long distance adventure rides, to light off-roading on the way to work, and for commuters, messengers and students wanting to quickly and easily get around the city.  

Versatile, agile and limitless. Fantic Bikes provides long-lasting battery life and the capacity to carry bags for long rides or daily shopping. More than a new pedal assist concept, Fantic Bikes offer a new lifestyle.



Fantic are a premium e-bike brand, charged with enhancing your customer experience in the most sustainable way. The bane of focus is on uncompromised design & technology.

Fantic is focused and devoted to guiding the cycling industry towards a new era, hence the saying; “Passion & emotion guide us, electricity & innovation propel our bikes.”

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