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Cadex Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Cadex Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
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Cadex Facts

CADEX is the dedicated components brand of Giant and Liv bicycles, a pursuit of what many see as impossible.

CADEX originally started manufacturing high-end bicycle wheels: a new generation of faster wheels.

Then we reinvented the bicycle saddle reaching an incomparable fit and we also aimed to manufacture perfect tubeless tires that offer the same feel as a tubular.

CADEX is deep research into the bike and rider in motion.

CADEX is the pursuit and realization of an entirely new level of performance in cycling components.

Our pursuit of the best-performing cycling components is built on an unrivaled mastery of materials and production, advanced research on cycling dynamics, and our close partnerships with professional athletes.

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