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AMIBIke Facts

AMIBike (Associazione Italiana Maestri di Mountain Bike)

AMIBike (also known as the National School of Mountain Bike and E-Bike Masters) is an association that focuses its activities on the world of MountainBike.
Founded in 1997 at the dawn of the mountain biking phenomenon coming from the USA, AMIBike was the first Italian association to deal with services addressed to the enthusiasts  of MTB in all its forms and uses.
One of the main activities of AMIBike consists in the protection of the figures of the Mountain Bike Guide and the Mountain Bike Instructor throughout the Italian national territory.
In over twenty years of activity, AMI Bike has won recognitions from the most important bodies linked to CONI and is recognized by the CSI - Centro Sportivo Italiano.

AMIBike Collaborations

AMIBike is also an important network and collaborates with various associations, institutions and Italian companies related to the outdoor and cycling world.

AMIBIke with associations

There are active collaborations with AMSI (Associazione Italiana Maestri di SCI), Collegio delle Guide Alpine e Accompagnatori di media montagna di Trentino e Veneto; FIF (Federazione Italiana Fitness), Scuola Italiana Nordic Walking, FIS (Federazione Italiana Sordi), UILDM (Unione Italiana lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare). AMIBike also collaborates with several volounteers associations.

AMIBike with institutions

AMIBike is also in direct contact with institutions such as regions, provinces and municipalities and is actively involved in programs of children's sports introduction in the context of school education. AMIBike has developed a teaching method specifically designed to be most effective to children and to introduce them to the bicycle in full respect of active and passive safety and to the founding values of sport, transmitting the importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

AMIBIke with companies

Other elements of the network that AMIBike has been able to create in two decades of activity are made up of tourism agencies, tour operators, and companies in the cycling sector.
Among these partners, there are also the tour operator specialized in adventures Desartica, one of the most famous generalist tour operators in Italy Alpitour and - of course - EurekaBike, the search engine for products and services related to the world of bicycles. Find the blog article presenting the collaboration between AMIBike and EurekaBike with all the details and projects for the future at this link.

Scuola Nazionale Maestri di Mountain Bike CSI

AMIBike has an internal body responsible exclusively for the training of qualified operators in the field of teaching and guiding in the field of mountain biking.
Thanks to proprietary educational protocols specifically designed and developed over years of experience in the field, the Scuola Nazionale Maestri di Mountain Bike guarantees the highest quality standards in terms of method and teaching content of mountain bike practice at an amateur level.

Services for AMIBike affiliates

Among the services and facilities that AMIBIke members can enjoy exclusively there are:
  •  the AMI-CSI injury insurance proposed through different associative formulas;
  • discounts for purchases from the partners who support AMIBike;
  • proposals for tours organized throughout Italy by AMIBike qualified representatives (Mountainbike National Centres and MTB Guides and Instructors);
  • exclusive participation in training courses to earn the diploma of Mountain Bike Guide and Master through the training body that is the Scuola Nazionale Maestri di Mountan Bike - CSI;
  • participation in internships aimed at all enthusiasts to deepen all the issues related to the practice of cycling;
  • facilitated access to services for the promotion of the activities and services of members within the EurekaBike platform.

Mountain Bike events and fairs

AMIBike is present as an active part in the most important Italian sporting events and in over 10 national and international trade fairs every year.
In this way, they give way to sympathizers to get in touch with the association and at the same time, thanks to large exhibition spaces, gives its members the opportunity to spread the word about the initiatives organized in the various regions, as well as visibility to partners and sponsors.

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