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2XU Facts

2XU is an Australian/New Zealand corporation that designs, manufactures and sells sporting outfit such as compression garments, triathlon, cycle, running, open water swimming and general fitness wear. Their HQ is in Melbourne, Australia. 

It all began sometime in 2003, former triathlete Jamie Hunt and Aidan Clarke approached Clyde Davenport with the idea of creating a sportswear brand, this collaboration gave birth to the 2XU (Two Times You).


 2XU offers technical performance gear designed and engineered to optimize your body's efficiency, whatever level of activity you engage in. 2XU designs and sells running clothes for both men and women in basketball, cycling, rugby, running and triathlon

2XU compression fabric and training wears are powerful, lightweight and flexible. The fabrics are scientifically proven to improve muscle strength and and endurance. In May 2013, 2XU's interactive microsite, Athlete 2.0 was launched. The popular website provides athletes with amazing tools to achieve multiple athletic performance through its gear, recovery, workouts, and nutritional pages. In 2017, 2XU collaborated with Kanye West to design a wetsuit for his Yeezy Season 5 fashion line.


2XU understands what is needed to be the best. In March 2012, 2XU acquired Sports Multiplied which was renamed 2XU North America. Symbolizing the multiplication promotion of human performance 

Since they began operations in in 2005, 2XU has "multiplied" their presence in more than 70 countries. They are the proud official compression partner of the Australian Institute of Sport. 2XU is the sportswear brand of choice for world champion athletes and teams across various sports

2XU garments fulfills every athlete's wildest dreams, by empowering them to train harder, perform stronger and recover faster.


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