Size  If you are on a listing page, in this field you will find all the available sizes for that specific product. If you are instead on an ad page, this field reports the Size of the spedific product that is for sale. The Size is one of the most important information for choosing the best fitting product to your body. Wehtere it is a bicycle or gear. Speaking about bike clothing and shoes, sizes follow the international size charts, but when it comes to bicycles and frames it is not possible to define a standard. Bicycles and frames come in many different shapes and geometries and this results in several sizing methods. As a general rule, though, you can assume that road bicycles are sized by the lenght the seat tube in centimeters (52, 54, 56, ...) and mountain bikes are instead sized by the S,M,L, ... rule. Our advice, is to look carefully at the sizing chart you can find in our product pages, but to be sure you are choosing the best fit for you, always refer to your trusted dealer or shop, because he is the one who is the one who can assist you at best for this purpose.
| XS, S, M, L, XL |
| LOOK LS1 CARBON SUPERLIGHT 27.2 mm 350 mm |