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Winora Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Winora Brand page | EurekaBike Go to all the results from this Brand
Max Planck Strasse, 6
Sennfeld, Schweinfurt
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Winora Facts

Since its inception over a century ago, Winora has become a household name in Germany as a bicycle manufacturer for the entire family, from bikes for kids to professional bikes for sports and daily use, the brand also showcases the latest in e-bikes. Winora bikes are modern, highly efficient, and sustainable.

In 1914, the founder, Engelbert Wiener, set up the company where he built and sold bicycles by hand. In 1921, he single-handedly built the first-ever two-wheel kids bicycle for his daughters Thea and Martha. 

He desired to make the thrilling experience and feeling of independence that comes with riding a bicycle, available to everyone no matter their age. The bikes became a massive success as there were no bicycles for children at that time. 

In 1963 the first Winora bicycle factory with an assembly line system was built in Schweinfurt to meet up with increasing demand. In 2002 the Winora was taken over by the Accell Group in Heerenveen, the Netherlands.


Sustainable mobility is not only part of Winora's brand strategy but also an integral part of the process at the company. All their bicycles comply with international safety standards and global ISO standards. Furthermore, Winora regularly tests all contact points of their bicycles, such as saddles and grips, for toxic substances.


Over the years, Winora bikes and e-bikes have long become reliable companions for all types of travel from road works to countryside adventures and sporting competitions. They offer a safe and sustainable means of transport. 

Winora agrees that if we want our towns and cities to become greener and more liveable, we all need mobility that is self-sufficient, safe, and clean-the bicycle in its present form is the most efficient and sustainable of all human means of transport, give it a trial today.


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