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Velomarche Facts

Velomarche is an solely Italian bicycle manufacturing company founded in the 1987. For over 30 years of operations, the brand has always been considered a high-quality company as well as a reference point for style and design. The Velomarche brand is equal to passion and dedication, and the bikes are designed and manufactured to give the best of themselves both on dirt roads and city routes.


The brand produces bicycles suitable for every cycling category or type of use, from two wheels for children, up to the more professional models for sport and competition. The high quality materials used by the company, the experience in producing and design make Velomarche one of the first qualified companies for the construction of urban bikes. An example of this are urban bike models such as Nirvana or Summer, suitable for both men and women.

Velomarche's Via Veneto, is a perfect blend of nostalgic and present-day accents that makes it distinct and unique. the bicycle in its element, Handcrafted in Italy.


The same level of energy and optimism present while the wind gushed aboard the first two wheelers in 1987, has continued to play an active role in writing the amazing history of Velomarche even till this day. The company has successfully crossed the decades between changes in styles, fashions, material innovations and construction methods.

 Today, more than ever, as history is changing, there exists an ever present need for high quality brands like Velomarche to serve as a reference point for style and design, and a commitment to deliver a unique product to the customers, both old and new.


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