R Raymon

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R Raymon Facts

R Raymon makes Onroad & Offroad Performance bikes for every use. They are for young and old, for professional athletes or young bikers. Over the years, the company has maintained a balanced relationship between performance, comfort and design.

This is why their models run really smoothly, have a relaxed, adapted seating position, and are equipped with the best components. R Raymon road bikes are certainly capable of picking up real speed on any tour and strong in terms of price-performance.



R Raymon offers a wide range of models that are impressive and efficient. From the carbon road bike to the popular trekking models to the full-suspension All Mountain MTB, it is clear that the brand covers all target groups, age groups and usage variants.

The E-bikes from R Raymon; Yamaha has been the drive partner from the very beginning - reliable, powerful, performance-oriented and therefore perfectly suited for R Raymon. The eBike range includes all categories: eCity, eTrekking, eHardtail, eFullys, eKids.

The Yamaha PW-X2, PW-ST and PW-TE drive units enhance the riding experience of the e-Trekking and e-MTBs. Equipped with special sensor technology the system continually detects changes in riding conditions and delivers the appropriate levels of support – extremely quickly and sensitively. The Yamaha PW-CE motor with its optimum usage in the city and on tour completes the R Raymon range.



Regardless of whether it’s a Mountain Bike, a Trekking, Youth or Kid’s bike – the goal at R Raymon is to get people enthusiastic about bikes. Therefore, they design, develop and manufacture bikes for beginners as well as for professional athletes, for rides through nature or the turbulent urban traffic. Somehow, Because life itself still writes the most beautiful adventures.


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