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Mondraker Facts

Given that other manufacturers tend to produce all sorts of bicycles, makes Mondraker unique and sends out a clear message of the vision behind the  creation of the brand.

The Spanish bicycles manufacturers was launched in 2001, and is renowned for its production of high-end MTBs.

In the year 2008, Mondraker developed the Zero Suspension system – a true game changer that helped bring the brand into global limelight. 

The company’s Summum downhill bike made headlines when Mondraker’s athletes swept the podium at the 2016 World Championships Men’s Category. Since then, a lot has changed, such as the introduction and growth of their benchmark Forward Geometry concept or Mondraker’s unique Stealth manufacturing technology for high-end Aluminum and Carbon frames and parts.



Mondraker has earned their place as one of the world’s best bike brands, offering high performance mountain bikes – all made by hand, with maximum precision and attention to detail.

The company offers high-quality aluminium frames (Stealth Alloy: low weight due to optimised shapes) and high-end carbon frames (Stealth Carbon: minimum weight, best possible combination of stability, structural stiffness, shock absorption and lightness) for all their bikes, from Enduro to All Mountain.

Other pioneering technologies, Combined with special stems, results in an increased balance, ensuring a safer and better handling of the bike.

Mondraker’s top bikes include; Crafty RR, Foxy Carbon RR SL, Dune Carbon XR, Level RR, Superfoxy Carbon RR, Summum Carbon Pro Team. 



At Mondraker, the dream is to develop bikes capable of delivering performance for the mountain bikers who want something beyond what the market offers. 

Today, Mondraker is the choice of experienced riders who demand a bike that can help them push their limits to another level – they’re the same machines used by their pro riders successfully in the most difficult races worldwide.

At Mondraker, the dream is to develop bikes capable of delivering performance for the mountain bikers who want something beyond what the market offers.

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