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Lombardo Facts

Lombardo has been making amazing bicycles in Sicily, Italy since 1952. To ride one of these bikes is to experience true Italian bicycle craftsmanship and design. The company has been in business for almost 70 years, and it has been passed down through three generations of family.

These bikes are handcrafted from carefully inspected parts with safety and quality in mind, and are a great way to commute to work, get to campus, or just run a few errands. They are perfect for pure recreation as well, as Lombardo thrives in Mountain Bikes. 

This dream of freedom on two wheels continues to grow as the company mission of the Lombardo bicycles has continued to grow year after year. Lombardo is committed to an ecological, practical and free life style.



The technological innovation, the advanced production process and the attention for every detail guaranteeing an excellent Made in Italy product. The Lombardo Innovation Lab team works the design, the test and the control of products compliance with constant attention towards the customers. All the assembling phases are managed inside the company, till the final test, guaranteeing the maximum attention for each step.

Each vehicle has a unique serial number that allows a complete tracking: from production to shipment and after-sales service. Also, their advanced wheels assembling system allows the spokes stabilization guaranteeing a longer duration and a better equalization for all their models.

Reliability and safety, combined with cutting-edge technology and scrupulous attention to detail, the Lombardo bicycle has been a symbol of Italian elegance and innovation for many years.



Respect for the environment is priority for Lombardo, not only as a mission but also in practice: it's Total Energy Requirement is almost completely being provided by Renewable Sources. 

All the production process is controlled to minimize the environmental impact. The company is actively promoting a healthy, natural lifestyle in harmony with the rest of the planet.

Lombardo relies on their contemporary design and constant technological research to achieve high level performance that meets the needs of their customers, from professional to amateurs. 


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