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Ghost Facts

Ghost was  founded in Waldsassen, Germany by Uwe Kalliwoda and Klaus Möhald in 1993. The two friends opened their first bike shop in 1992, operating from their garage, they sold and serviced bikes for their college colleagues.

In 1993 the first Ghost bicycle was made– a 9.9kg bike which was a huge success because of its competitive price.

From there on, the team kept improving on their bikes and facilities, by beginning to make their own carbon and aluminum frames in-house. This move ensured more authenticity for Ghost and raised the quality of service up a notch.

Today, aside sponsoring some of the most successful athletes in the sport, Ghost bikes produces high-quality bicycles both for professionals and recreational riders.



Aluminum has been the standard material for frame construction for years. It is light, very stable and easy to work with. Unlike some other manufacturers, Ghost prefers not to grind their weld seams after the welding process. This means that the structure stays strong and the uniform weld seams are eye-catching. 

Ghost makes use of Lightweight carbon material in the making of thier frames, guaranteeing for optimum performance. 

Their carbon process is optimized by the layered structure on each point of the frame and provides the best possible power to weight ratio. It is strong, and allows for precision design.



Although GHOST has been building bikes for over 25 year, what really makes their bikes different from the competition is the uniquely defining character each one has.

At Ghost, each tiniest detail of the design is fine-tuned until everything is perfect and according to the design/prototype. The research and development team lays the foundation of the design, functionality and the extensive features.

Each strapline not only expresses their continuous dedication to typical German engineering and technical sophistication, it is also part of the brand identity and a source of several product tests and design prizes.

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